Podcasts, podcasts, podcasts!

I have a slight obsession with podcasts. Since I first discovered them back in the good ole iPod days, I have been a regular listener. The EdTech Crew was the first education podcast to grab my attention and I would often extend my drive (the measure of a podcast in my mind) to finish an... Continue Reading →

If you’ve got something to say, say it

In a previous post, I talked about audio learning and the benefits of learning on the go. The evolution of this for me has been audiobooks. My good friend Aaron Davis wrote a great post on audiobooks (click here for the post) recently which prompted me to see what amazing books have been committed to... Continue Reading →

Listen and learn

I've always marvelled at how prolific some bloggers are. I've got the ideas but always spend ages trying to refine the post. So inspired by @AdrianCamm's keynote from DLTV, I will not hide behind excuses anymore. I've set myself a mini challenge that is inspired by the amazing work that @ChrisBetcher does. He set himself... Continue Reading →

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